I have given a lot of thought to my first impressions of New Orleans. I may have been somewhat unfair. It's just the first night while I was out to dinner someone put a horrible scrape on my right rear fender and then even though the people of New Orleans were friendly all the people on my tour were not. So the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. But while driving out of town this morning I had better feelings for the city. It was helped by seeing flocks of Snowy Egrets flying overhead with their long black legs just trailing behind. It was a beautiful sight.
Speaking of beautiful sights. There isn't much to do when you are driving straight roads for 150 miles before you get on another road to drive another 150 miles, but look around and think. Well today I had the most amazing Magritte sky. It was that unreal blue with the clouds looking painted on. They didn't look real, it was wonderful to contemplate.
When I got to Houston I made a quick stop at the Beer Can house. The tour book says the house and yard feature about 50,000 beer cans. The picture doesn't do it justice. When the wind blows the strings of tops make a lovely tinkling sound. It really is quite ridiculous but fun. It was well worth the trip.
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