Today was almost pure driving. I did break it up by stopping at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, Texas. As I was driving out of Dallas/Fort Worth I entertained myself by seeing what I could find in the fluffy white clouds. It was like being a kid again. I was fine as as I was on the super highways but that didn't last long, soon I was on the back roads. The speed limits were reasonably high but the roads were two lane. Anyway I was doing 5 miles over the speed limit and got stopped by a policeman. This was the first time in my life. Luckily he only gave me a warning, but I was shaking. I've never had a moving violation of any kind and I didn't want to start now. The rest of the day I was spot on the speed limit.
While I drove the 500 plus miles I thought how wonderful Lady Bird Johnson was in encouraging beautification of the highways. All along the roads are rich displays of wildflowers and native grasses. It is very restful on your eyes as you are driving for hours. You get plenty of time to reflect on things you've done or seen. I thought about one of the Sargent's that I saw yesterday. It is one of those paintings that you see in books or in special exhibitions all the time. It is of a young woman dressed in white holding her cape open over her head inhaling fumes from a censor. She is wearing white and cream set in an oriental setting that is also in tones of whites and creams.

I finally made it to Lubbock and eventually found the Buddy Holly Center. It was a challenge as they do not have an entrance on the street of the address. But not to worry I was not to be put off. The museum was very interesting. I didn't know that much about Buddy Holly as I was a little young when he was at his biggest. His career was so short yet he had such a profound influence on so many musical groups that followed - The Beatles, The Stones, Springsteen to name a few.
Well it was soon back on the road for me. I made it all the way to Amarillo before I collapsed. I really don't know where I'm going from here. I have to make a decision. It is either Oklahoma or New Mexico. The decision changes the direction from there. I'll see how I feel in the morning.
I vote for New Mexico!