I made it to the SPAM museum. It really was a lot of fun, much more than I expected. They have a very slick operation. They have nothing that would turn you off SPAM. They lull you by talking about how pure everything is and how the company developed as a family operation. They overcame embezzlement by a trusted employee early in their history. I had no idea that Hormel made SPAM because I know Hormel makes so many other products, even Jenni-O. It was interesting to see the displays of the changes of cans and products through the years. The commercials go through some interesting changes over the years,as well. I was particularly struck by the WWII exhibit. It was a loop of a soldier explaining all the ways the cook served them SPAM, it was very funny. Yet through the rest of the exhibits they were showing you how many ways you can use SPAM. They offer you free recipes. Charlotte, NC is the fifth largest consumer of SPAM in the US.
The rest of my day was spent driving to Kalamazoo, Michigan. Eight hours of driving because I needed something to do on a Sunday and only Kalamazoo had something open.
I decided not to go to Fellowship today as it was their last service of the year. I figured it wouldn't be a very public type service, they were asking for memories of the year from people.
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